For new listeners:
Welcome to idol BEATS Radio's official website! I'm so glad you found this page. idol BEATS is an online radio station that plays Japanese Pop songs by female idols. The station has two goals:
- To introduce people to japanese idols and try and get their popularity to grow worldwide
- To introduce people who are already fans to brand new groups
There are so many amazing idol groups out there today, they are popping up constantly. You can find idol groups with almost any look, theme, and sound you can imagine. Since part of the station's goal is to introduce people to new idol groups, the station keeps updated and makes sure all groups (and soloists) playing are currently active idols. A group is deleted once they disband or stop releasing and performing, and I will try to add as many new groups that pop up as I can, to give an accurate representation of the idol scene in Japan.
Please feel free to look around the website to learn anything else you'd like to know, or email me with any questions at
Please sign the guestbook, and I hope you become a regular listener of idol BEATS Radio♪
For those already fans of the station:
You may be wondering just what "new and improved" may mean. Let's start with what the problem was:
Basically, though the station has been playing non-stop since opening successfully, a few months back it went through a period where I was less-able to update it. A lot was going in my life, and though I made sure there was always something scheduled to play on the station, it just wasn't what I wanted the station to be. Enough new groups weren't added, or recent singles by groups already included. I hadn't deleted some groups that disbanded, and I wasn't taking as much time to be sure groups with similar sounds or relations weren't playing too close together. I then went off to Japan which, though amazing, made it even more impossible to work on the station.
I discovered even more amazing new idol groups while in Japan, and brought back so much great music for you all too listen to! I have been buckling down hard on the station since returning, making sure everything is totally up to date. I tried to make sure I have the full discography of as many groups as I possibly can added to the station. I was sure to delete any groups that have disbanded, and I have added mass amounts of brand new idol groups with all kinds of different sounds! The station has been organized in a way where you will get much more variety in the kinds of songs and groups you are hearing in a row, as well. I have set the station up in a way that will make it much easier to constantly be updating with anything new I can get my hands on, as well. I will be keeping the twitter and facebook page active, as well as this website. (So be sure to follow them all!)
I have a lot of great ideas for this station that are still yet to come soon, so keep an eye out!
For those of you who remember fan voting and "Top Tuesdays," those will currently not be around. I will be seeing just how much time is taken up from scheduling the station, and what I am able to do, but if listeners want it, I may be able to bring back a monthly vote :)
The big New Years countdown for best songs released this year will still be happening, though, so look forward to it!
Currently, the station has music ads. These play once or twice every hour, and are a preview of a song, not a full song. However, these songs are not idol music, they are chosen and programmed by Radionomy. I feel this breaks up the flow of the station, so I'm looking into trying to get them to allow me to use spoken ads instead of music ads, so it doesn't sound as if there has been a mistake in music added to the station.
The station has had some loyal listeners who have been consistently listening since it's opened, but, as expected, when it stopped being updated well a lot of listeners were lost. I hope to gain those listeners back, as long as many more! So please listen and let people know about the station! I am positive that anyone who listens to the station will be introduced to at least one interesting group they've never heard of (likely many more) and will find some great new music. There is a lot of variety as the idol genre is really growing, but I think you will really enjoy what I've found for you all to listen to :)
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